Combining Custom Post Types, Fields, and Meta Boxes to Do the Impossible with WordPress

Custom post types, fields, and meta boxes all offer powerful ways to transform WordPress sites, but when you use all three together, the impossible becomes possible. In this talk I’ll explore just how custom you can go by combining WordPress’ custom functions to solve a real-world problem. I’ll also cover custom taxonomies, custom templates, and leveraging some basic PHP, featured images, and existing plugin functionality to take your custom post type even further.

Attendees should be comfortable with making changes to WordPress theme and/or plugin files.

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Put a Map On It! Enhanced Geolocation and Mapping with Geo Mashup

WordPress has built-in support for storing location information on posts, but no real way to make use of it. The Geo Mashup plugin enables deep, powerful geolocation in WordPress, letting you easily add geolocations (coordinates) to almost any content type. It also displays locations on maps you can embed in your theme, posts or widgets, with a dizzying array of options for what to show and how to display it.

This talk will start with the default geolocation system in WordPress and how Geo Mashup integrates with it. We’ll then cover the basics of setup and adding locations on posts, then the different map types and situations where you’d use them. We’ll finish with some dev considerations for displaying maps as elegantly as possible.

This talk is aimed at anyone planning a site and considering geo integration. There will be developer speak (PHP/HTML/CSS) at times, but there will be lots to consider for anyone building custom WordPress sites.

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Renouvelez votre amour de WordPress avec Bedrock

Bedrock améliore la structure standard de WordPress, en mettant en place les principes du Twelve factor app. En combinant WordPress avec les outils modernes comme Vagrant, Git, Composer, Ansible, Capistrano et WP-CLI, Bedrock permet de béficier de la facilité de développement de WordPress et d’un « stack » techno moderne. Déployez une nouvelle version de votre site en quelques secondes. Gérez vos plugins avec Composer. Déplacez vos médias entre vos environnements en un claquement des doigts! Démarrez un serveur vide et installez WordPress sans jamais avoir à vous connecter en SSH! Bedrock amène une bouffée d’air frais au développement WordPress. Si pour toi, HHVM, NGINX, PHP-FPM ne sont pas que des #buzzwords, tu devrais y trouver ton compte!

Cette présentation s’adresse principalement aux gens à l’aise avec le terminal et Git. La présentation n’inclut pas beaucoup de code en tant que tel, mais fait un usage intensif de plusieurs outils qui fonctionnent dans le terminal. Une compréhension de base du fonctionnement d’un serveur sera aussi un atout idéal pour apprécier. Cette présentation a une forte orientation DevOps, mais s’adresse aussi à ceux qui sont intéressés à améliorer leur flot de travail avec WordPress, de la création d’un nouveau site jusqu’à sa mise en ligne.

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Speed Up Your Site!

Did you know the average user will wait only 2-3 seconds waiting for a webpage to load before abandoning it forever? Having a fast website is critical to its success. How do you ensure your site loads fast and reliably, to all kinds of users around the world? In this presentation we’ll discuss seven strategies for increasing your WordPress site’s speed. Covering caching, content delivery networks, image optimization, file optimization, database cleaning, and hosting and theme choices, you’re guaranteed to leave this presentation with concrete next steps for improving your site’s performance.

Most of these strategies can be accomplished through plugins!

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Créer votre propre Shortcode

The presentation aims to show how to create your own shortcode.
We will go through the « why & how » questions following practical steps:

  • What’s a shortcode?
  • When it might be useful?
  • How to create one? Explain the structure and show the code
  • How to add the shortcode to your WordPress
  • Let’s use and display the shortcode!

Extra miles depending on the public:

  • Play with the arguments
  • View how to add dependencies (JS/CSS/Hooks) to the short code

The topic is more technical and requires a minimal knowledge of : WordPress theme structure, use of functions / PHP, HTML.

Conférence en français.

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Travailler localement avec Vagrant

Cette session est pour les développeurs WordPress débutants et expérimentés qui veulent apprendre à développer localement plutôt que sur un serveur en ligne. Je vais couvrir les raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez développer localement, ce qu’est Vagrant, comment l’installer (étape par étape), la façon d’installer WordPress sur Vagrant, comment y accéder et modifier votre site localement et comment migrer un site de Vagrant à un serveur en ligne.

It would be helpful for attendees to know how to install WordPress, but not required. This talk is for beginner to advanced level WordPress designers and developers who want to learn how to work on sites or develop themes or plugins locally before publishing to a live server.

Conférence en français.

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WordPress Customizer: For Themes and More

In WordPress 4.1 the « Theme Customizer » was changed to the « Customizer » with the intent that it could be used as the interface for any WordPress settings. Very few plugin authors, or even custom theme authors, are taking advantage of this built in options panel. Through some examples, we see how easy it is to use the Customizer API to add settings/options to WordPress for themes, plugins (or anything).

Some understanding of WordPress actions/filters, php and javascript.

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Building Client Side Web Applications with WordPress and WP-API

I will talk about the merits of using Client Side technologies when building out a web application. With WP-API moving its way into core and getting better, building web applications with WordPress is becoming more feasible, and easier. JavaScript MVC frameworks have exploded in popularity over the past couple years and I will show that they can be used to build with WordPress, in faux MVC setup. I hope people learn the value in the WP-API, if they did not already, and when client side can be a better option for a custom build.

I will cover the basics of everything including what is WP-API and the basics on how it works (responses, etc.)

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Be a Customer Service Superstar with Customized WP-Admin

When you work in WP-Admin every day, it’s wicked easy to navigate. But for users who are new to WordPress or only update their sites occasionally, the admin area can be full of WordPress-centric-lingo and not very intuitive. If you’ve created a customized front-end experience, why not take a few extra moments and tighten up the admin? It’s not difficult to make users happier and reduce the number of questions you get! We’ll cover customizing via both plugins and code, adding your own help documentation to the admin, and current best practices.

This talk is for individuals who are developing sites for other editors. The focus is directed at intermediate developers who wish to create their own WordPress admin customizations, but will touch on appropriate plugins to mimic the same functionality.

WP-CLI: Save Time by Managing WordPress from the Command Line

WP-CLI is a set of command line tools for managing your WordPress site. It allows you to perform many tasks much quicker than you would be able to by other means. In this session, I will teach you how to get WP-CLI running, and show some of my favourite time saving features. Once you’ve started using WP-CLI, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

This talk is appropriate for developers, designers and server administrators of all skill levels.

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