Dana Salman

Dana Salman

Hey there!

I’m Dana. I have over 10 years of experience in Marketing, Communication, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). I have worked on many exciting marketing and community projects with industry leaders in retail (like Starbucks), IT (like ITS and babyTEL) and NGO’s (like AFDC).

I am inspired by innovation and technology and how it changes the human experience. I work in companies that make a positive impact on the world. I love collaborating with passionate team members on projects as a customer advocate.

I set marketing strategy according to our business goals and work with my design and development team to plan out project sprints to make sure we’re on track to achieve them. Having ideas is the fun part, weeding through these ideas and creating a project plan out of them and see them come to life is even more fun!

I also work closely with sales team to talk to customers and partners and get testimonials, case studies and feedback to improve the company’s marketing efforts. @DizzyD7


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